As I was happily unscrewing away, I thought myself terribly clever, and while there was a moments pause about letting the outside half of the handle drop to the ground it seemed like the only way to get at the middle chamber. Which, promptly, did not open. Huh.
After being only partially successfully in my attempt to remove the hinges from the door, I was stymied and began to think of the ramifications of spending the next day in there.
- Through the handle hole I could see the dog and one of the cats and knew the mess would be disgusting (I've been on constant vigil and have already had to clean up multiple animal voids--these are needy pets).
- I'd miss both of the classes I was supposed to teach--the irresponsibility of just not showing up seemed unbearable.
- Once I'd missed classes, people might start looking for me (certainly not before), but my parents didn't know the address of where I was staying, and I wouldn't be able to answer any phone calls.
- I tried to picture the conversation I would have with my professor and her husband through the door when they returned home the next afternoon. I was already embarrassed, although I'm not certain how I could have avoided the issue...letting the outside half of the handle drop seemed like a foolish idea now.
Lesson learned, never go to the bathroom without your cell?
OMG! You poor thing! That is so scary. I'm so glad you were able to get out, you smart girl. I don't think I could have done nearly as well. I'm glad you didn't have to miss any of your classes today!
Ok, I know that this must have been incredible scary and frustrating, but I hope you are laughing now because looking back it is pretty funny. I love that you thought of MacGyver and tried to emulate him!
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