The stress knot in my spirit has been gradually increasing in regards to The Future. I often struggle with perceived implications of importance. Case in point: what I do next semester in regards to both the classes I take and teach will determine what my dissertation looks like, and what I do for my dissertation takes up the next two and a half years of my life, determines my academic persona, which is how I can present myself on the job market, thus affecting the kind of job (if any) that I get and decides the entire rest of my future and any career happiness and satisfaction I may wish to have. The fact that I haven't yet published an article (to get into the profession, they expect that you are already a functioning member of the academy) seems to indicate that I will never have anything of interest to say in this my chosen field. See how simple, logical, and tortuous?
Yesterday, however, I had an hour and a half conversation with my professor/mentor/hopefully-dissertation-chair about The Future (at least my academic one), which was comforting. I feel as though I'm on the right track with the course I'm planning for next semester (it's actually literature, not comp!), and we set up a plan for an independent study that will allow me an official time and space to explore what I want to do with my dissertation, rather than me needing to do that undirected and in addition to the rest of my load.
I feel better. At least, I know what next semester is going to look like. Although, I still have to put together an independent study proposal, which means research to find a book list, etc. Plus, finish this semester, I have a paper due in two weeks that has not been started yet, egads.