Sunday, April 29, 2007

A List.

In an attempt to excite me to finish the semester quickly and complete all the work I need to do before the freedom of summer break (all three weeks of it), I'm posting a list of the books I hope to read during that time. Most of them are not especially academic, but these are the final books I'll be reading for fun before I start studying for my field exams (a six month+ process):
If anybody's read any of these, how did you like them? This list is not necessarily in order of importance, and I probably won't get to them all, so I'd like help prioritizing!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Xenophobic Bravo*?

Already I like Shear Genius in it's single episode more than the whole of Top Design--apparently others agree, there wasn't a reunion episode, nor the drawing out of the finale into two episodes. Sadly, the cute, sassy, and French Paul-Jean was the first one cut, following the disturbing trend of Bravo's reality series first kicking off the foreigners. In the first season of Top Chef, the first to go was Irish, in the second season, it was British. Coincidence?

*I don't really think Bravo's xenophobic; I'm mostly sad that I don't have the foreign accents to listen to--thank goodness for BBC America!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Commenting on Student Papers

As I am spending a lot of time grading papers of late, I was highly amused by my google quote of the day

I am returning this otherwise good typing paper to you because someone has printed gibberish all over it and put your name at the top.
- An English Professor

and this McSweeney's list.

And while I would sometimes like to write things along the lines of "You have managed to coldly and persistently rape the English language for 17 pages. Congratulations" more often than not I end up with more of the "You had some nice details" variety.