Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Tomorrow I'm giving a presentation on Peter Carey, so wish me luck! I still have lots of work to do on it. And I'm not sure if I'll finish reading the book (Jack Maggs), but I've read it before, so...

Lana had a post not so long ago about how pretty people on Taylor's campus are. I never realized that until I went to NIU where the people are not as attractive. I probably shouldn't be so excited about it, but at Taylor I was in the group of larger folks, and probably the not as attractive. Here, where the SES is lower (why should that matter? It shouldn't, but it does), I feel quite adequate. Not that I should be excited or care about that, but a little part of me is.

Yesterday walking to my far away car after class, I felt collegiate. I had my cool bag; I was listening to good music, and its almost fall (hurry up already!), the eternal season of college brochures and pictures. It was nice.

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