Tuesday, October 25, 2005

A Oath to Myself

I haven't been to a movie in over a month. I hate it. I hate that I don't have the time and have to be so discerning in which films I see in the theatre because I don't get to go every week. This weekend I was finally going to be able to visit my local Kerasotes, and the two films I'd been eagerly anticipating (Proof and Serenity) both left on Thursday. Double-guh-err.

Today I saw my first trailer for Derailed, a Clive Owen/ Jennifer Aniston film that I was slightly aware of and, well, excited inasmuch as I adored Clive but am not crazy about Jennifer. So watching the trailer with mild interest, I catch a brief (and I mean brief) shot of a bearded man that sent me rushing to IMDB to find...YES! it was! it is! be still my heart!

Vincent Cassel

My top two celebrity crushes are appearing in a film together. Come hell or high water, I am seeing that film opening weekend.

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