Monday, December 24, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Steadily Creeping
So, forgive my lack of interesting posts this semester, and should anything else be posted between now and mid-January; know that it's merely a study break diversion; and try not to judge me too harshly.
Although, taking my cue from Em, I've tested my blog readability and been anointed "College: post-graduate*," so I guess my slippage hasn't yet occurred.
*Edit: After linking to this cite, I rechecked and was promoted to "Genius." Seems suspect.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Little Things
2. After literally years of looking for a quote I'd feel comfortable representing me as my standard email signature, should I ever decide to include one, I came across two from in a single book (Jacob's Room, Virginia Woolf, 1922). Because I don't know if I'm that person (who has email signature quotes), I offer them here:
"It is the same with books. What do we seek through millions of pages?"
Thursday, November 29, 2007
A Bag
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Talk Nerdy to Me
Much of the tv that I've watched of late has been G4, and I've become rather enamored of Attack of the Show and one of its hosts, Kevin Pereira. The guy is rather cute, especially funny, and has serious geek cred--what's not to love? The other new tv in my life is The Big Bang Theory, and I will admit that I am deeply in love with Sheldon, the uber-geek with a PhD in physics. Seeing as he's just a character though, it may be harder to imagine actually meeting him (or someone of his ilk).
So, I'm sold on the theory; I'm ready. But now the question is, how do I find a real one?
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Today was the first day that the animals were available for adoption. I didn't go (studying for exams) with my mom and brother, but they said there were a lot of people there. Ultimately, Nathan ended up choosing this one.
And he seems like he's going to be a good friend.
***UPDATE: His name is Gibson.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Since I had the soundtrack, I knew which songs were going to be used, but it was still a delight to see how they were used: US Army posters singing "I want you; I want you so bad;" a girl forlornly singing to her oblivious crush "I want to hold your hand." In addition to the new and interesting levels the film brought to the songs, the visuals were stunning with their unique juxtapositions (e.g. the near-opening sea waves crashing over and through newspapers and video clips of war and race riots). Not having any first-hand experience with the 60s, this is a fairly inexpert opinion, but the film really seemed to capture a wide multitude of experiences and emotions that were jostled together in that time. I can't wait to own it, look at some of the scenes in-depth and then write about it!
I'm sure people will make various levels and depths of comparison to our current war, but ultimately the film was hopeful and uplifting, not so much anti-war as pro-peace and love, which I quite liked.
*I probably should be ashamed of my deep-seeded love of Hudson Hawk, but I'm not.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
For Tomorrow...
...grade 21 student papers at 15 min apiece...315 min the final 227 pages of Tono-Bungay (Wells 1909) at 2min a page...454 min
...eating, bathroom breaks, necessary mental breaks...120 min
total time: 15 hours, 19 minutes.
It's already 12:18, and I've spent 4 minutes composing this blog. I question my will power to resist Ugly Betty, 30 Rock, and The Office tonight.
So, if I am riding on Train A, representing the minimal amount of work I have to do today, and Train B represents tomorrow speeding towards me at a rate of 60min/hr, how long before collision? Will I have time to jump off? If I do, will I injure my academic avatar? Will I pass my January exams?
*Note: If work is shown, partial credit may be available.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
In a more depressing turn, I was reading an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education about the dwindling numbers of conservatives in faculty. It claimed that the majority of faculty are not far-leftists though, that moderates are the growing number. Not surprising to me was the report that the smallest percentage of conservatives in humanities departments in PhD granting institutions. I would probably consider myself a moderate conservative, but definitely on the right side of the center line, and I often feel as though I cannot voice my views and values in my academic community.
The article provides an interesting reason that might be underlying my fears: the [lack of a] job market. I quote at length:
"Mr. Menand's impression is that dissertation topics in English have changed little since 1990. "Placement and tenure anxiety doesn't exactly encourage iconoclasm," he said. The last great period of ferment in literary theory, he argued, came in the 1970s and early 1980s, at a time when people commonly earned degrees within five years and easily found jobs. With lower personal risks and sacrifices, he suggested, young scholars could afford to offend their elders and to shake up their disciplines.
Today, by contrast, humanities students are sacrificing a decade of their lives with no guarantee of a job at the end of the line. "Who would venture on such a career who did not share, or believe that he or she shared, most of the views of those institutions and gatekeepers?" Mr. Menand asked."
Indeed the professors and the university are the 'gatekeepers' to both my future and my past. If I was to offend (read: present a conservative viewpoint on an issue) those in power (read: my professors, some other graduate students, the department secretaries), I could easily become persona non gratis, which can effect my opportunities, which effects my CV, which effects my viability and connections on the job market, for which is what I've spent the last five year of my life preparing. It's a sad thought knowing that the University, so often encouraging of rebelling against the Man, has got me over a barrel.Thursday, October 04, 2007
Calling Modern Art Historians!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Watch it Again
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Crisis Very Nearly Not Averted
As I was happily unscrewing away, I thought myself terribly clever, and while there was a moments pause about letting the outside half of the handle drop to the ground it seemed like the only way to get at the middle chamber. Which, promptly, did not open. Huh.
After being only partially successfully in my attempt to remove the hinges from the door, I was stymied and began to think of the ramifications of spending the next day in there.
- Through the handle hole I could see the dog and one of the cats and knew the mess would be disgusting (I've been on constant vigil and have already had to clean up multiple animal voids--these are needy pets).
- I'd miss both of the classes I was supposed to teach--the irresponsibility of just not showing up seemed unbearable.
- Once I'd missed classes, people might start looking for me (certainly not before), but my parents didn't know the address of where I was staying, and I wouldn't be able to answer any phone calls.
- I tried to picture the conversation I would have with my professor and her husband through the door when they returned home the next afternoon. I was already embarrassed, although I'm not certain how I could have avoided the issue...letting the outside half of the handle drop seemed like a foolish idea now.
Lesson learned, never go to the bathroom without your cell?
Saturday, September 29, 2007
All That is Right About Pop Culture
Crime and Punishment.
The comic.
Could it get any cooler?
The conversation that follows the comic via is also quite interesting. I don't think it's a secret that I value pop culture as worthy of academic study. It's important to read and know originals, the canon, but I also think it's important to teach students to critically analyze and engage with the texts that are commonplace in their worlds. That's why I teach both Dracula and the graphic novel adaptation Renfield: A Tale of Madness and the triumvirate Pride and Prejudice, Bridget Jones's Diary, and Bride and Prejudice.
Adaptations are not meant to replace the original but to be a critical response to and another expression of the a priori text. I appreciate the blog author's assurance to those irate individuals who seem concerned by the very existence of such a mash-up, "Relax, the original’s right there on the shelf, unharmed."
Too bad I learned about this too late to research up on it and present something at the Midwest Popular Culture Conference I'm going to later this fall. Ah well, I haven't finished writing my presentation on Bride and Prejudice, so I suppose it's better to be working with a familiar text and genre if you're composing last minute-ish.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
To that end, I went to the library to stock up on some quicker reads (unfortunately, I don't have the money to buy all these books). The strangest thing though--would you think that founding father of the Theatre of the Absurd, Samuel Beckett would have his play Waiting For Godot located in the teen section? Me, neither.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
New Music Tuesday
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Go Away, Summer, Leave Already.
It has been bright, sunny, and warm--upper 80s--for almost a week, and it's supposed to be like that all weekend. Is it too much to ask that autumn be a little more autumn-like? All I want is to be able to do is make soup while wearing jeans, sneakers, and a sweater--is that so much to ask?
Friday, September 21, 2007
Watch Your Language
Girl: "So she called and wanted to know why you were so pissy."Guy: "Did you tell her why?"Girl: "I don't know why."Guy: "Good. Great. Now you know why I'm in such a bad mood."Girl: "Because I don't know why you're in a bad mood."Guy: "Do you see the circle of anger you create?"- [overheard at] Loyola
College Girl: "That's the girl who added me on Facebook, but won't say hi to me in real life." - Columbia College Elevator
Truly a cautionary lesson to us all about public conversations...
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Across the Universe
In preparation for the felicitous occasion, and thanks to Best Buy's low-low prices, I purchased the deluxe edition of the soundtrack, which increased my excitement level. I'm grateful that I'm not one of those individuals bogged down by issues of 'fidelity' that can find no joy in re-imagining of a prior text. I find this collection of Beatles songs delightful (favorites of the moment "Happiness is a Warm Gun" and "Blackbird"), and I highly anticipate seeing them woven into a colorful narrative.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Can I Get an Amen?
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
HP in 7
Friday, August 24, 2007
Last Reprieve
Or, to finish watching the disc of season one of Battlestar Galactica--I hear there's room on the bandwagon.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
As the series progresses, he is becoming more villainized, which compounds my frustration. While I see that the things he is doing are bad, I simply see them as results of neglect and frustration from his wife. While I'm not studying this for class or intending to write about it (yet), I am reluctant to enter into an academic discussion about such a text when I know that my opinions would be/are so contrary to mainstream academic ideology. Sadly, academia is just the place that such a discussion of character and art should be made and I wonder if my thoughts really would be rejected, or if I'm merely too cowardly to stand in an unpopular position in my department. Would that change if I were in a tenure track position rather than a graduate student still dependent on advisers and committees? I hope so, but is that being environment savvy or just weakly inconsistent?
*I'm not quite as terrible poster as it seems. I drafted this a couple of weeks ago and forgot to post it in the craziness of the past few weeks of road trips, vacations, family reunions, house sitting, and job interviews.
**I'm watching the 2002 mini-series, which I'm assured is a very literal translation of the novels, though I recognize that differences may exist. I've read quite a bit about the author and the books and feel fairly certain that I would have a similar reaction to the page as I do to the screen.
Monday, July 23, 2007
On Friday night, I attended a Border's 'Deathly Hallows Ball' with my mom, brother, Katie, and Eden. Katie was Bellatrix; Eden was Tonks; Mom was an awesome Professor Sprout; and I was Rita Skeeter. We all looked awesome, even though none of us won the costume contest--how do you compete with five year olds?--but I was clearly the crowd favorite!
I'm not going to discuss the details of the book because I'd like people to be able to finish this decade long journey for themselves without spoilers. I will say that it was wonderful. I truly feel that Rowling has created a series that can stand next to the Chronicles of Narnia and the Lord of the Rings. Her complex world deals with universal, and dare I say Christian, themes that resonate to the core of who we are as humans, a mark of capital L literature for me--no matter what the intended audience or reading level for anyone who still thinks of this as merely kids' fare or the fact that the masses revere it. I was deeply satisfied with the narrative and can't wait for the day that I get to teach a class on Heroes in pop culture.
Thank you J. K. Rowling for doing what all great authors do--tell stories that have us reading all through the night and speak Truth about the human condition. That potent combination is the most bewitching, charming, and magical element of Harry Potter.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Isle Royale
All in all it was a fun time; lots of pretty scenery and snazy wildflowers. Nathan saw a wolf, and he and I think we saw a moose swimming on the other end of a lake we were camped near. Nothing close or prolonged, but still wild kingdom-y.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
I Think DM and I Would Make an Awesome Couple
Fairy tales are more than true: not because
they tell us that dragons exist, but because
they tell us that dragons can be beaten.
—G. K. Chesterton
Incidentally, worshiping with The David Crowder Band was far more energizing and satisfying than any of the True Colors artists, even Erasure.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Waiting for the Starting Gun
And yet, I have every night of this week filled with social engagements: True Colors concert, Donald Miller/David Crowder Band, small group leaders bonfire, scrapbooking 'crop club', and Q101 Block Party. I am never, ever this busy; hopefully, I will soon be able to go back to my hermit-like existence that supports good studying. Plus, I still have three HP books to re-read before the release (39 days, 4 hours, 12 minutes, 29 seconds) of book seven. I thought not teaching was going to free up time...
Friday, June 08, 2007
The End.
1. Special Topics in Calamity Physics. I realize that I just recently complained about this book, but as I was set to shoulder through the final two hundred pages, I broke through the boring section and the final 150 pages flew by. While I stand by my previous observation that it could be shorter, ultimately, it was fantastic--a fairly satisfying read that satiated all the narrative curiosity I had. I was finishing it in a coffee shop when a friend that I was meeting there showed up, on time the nerve, so I spent three hours playing chess and talking with a mere eight pages to go waiting for me!
2. Summer at Tiffany by Marjorie Hart. This was a quick read that was highly enjoyable. Not much on character development, but it wonderfully encapsulates a place and time: New York City, Summer 1945. It seemed like a fairy tale (of sorts), but also made me think about the differences between how war affects a nation. There were tons of off-hand remarks about rations, curfews, and daily details of life that were changed because of the war. Beyond the higher gas prices, I don't feel as though my day-to-day life has been altered because of the war. While I realize that soldiers have died, no one I know or even no one I know knows anyone that has. I'd like to think that there will be an end to our war that will be celebrated as joyously as they did in Times Square on VJ Day.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
It Amuses Me

In addition to this, there are a number of other walrus (walri?) and bucket (or lack thereof) pictures that others have contributed to the story, which can all be found here.
Monday, June 04, 2007
A Little Late?
Saturday, June 02, 2007
The Plan
I'm not so much worried about the dissertation. I have an idea that I think is interesting and mildly innovative, and I know I can write. It's these field exams that are scaring me. I'm planning on taking them in January, where there will be two days with a four hour block in which I answer three questions which proves that I fully understand and can teach my fields. If ever there was a this-test-determines-the-rest-of-my-life sort of moment, it's this one. You can retake the tests once, but after that, if you don't pass, you're finished. Thanks for playing the past three years of your life were wasted. So, in order to avoid that, I'm starting the studying now.
First up on the menu: Joseph Conrad's Lord Jim and Heart of Darkness, which will perhaps prove to be a bit more intellectually demanding than 28 Weeks Later and Knocked Up, which I saw last night. Sometimes I wonder at the trashiness of my taste...
Friday, May 25, 2007
Where's the Rug?
I will definitely not be taking the class that I was signed up for; it didn't meet any requirements, just looked interesting. So, I'm left with a lot more free time than I'd anticipated. I guess that's good because I'll have more time to study for my field exams. But, there's even more free time to manage, and I'm much more productive when I'm busy.
But, since I'm in vacation mode (I was waiting for the summer term to start), I've been reading Special Topics in Calamity Physics by Marisha Pessl. I quite like it. I think I could be friends with the protagonist and narrator Blue. According to her father's advice, the book is "exquisitely annotated" (12), which I can see being grating for some people, but is the life that I live.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
A Moment of Silence.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
I received grades back on the two big papers that I wrote this semester. Granted neither subject (Milton and the Renaissance Essay) are the reason that I have stayed in school so long, but at least for my RenEss paper, I was sort of excited about my topic, which was theoretically tangential to what I do in my particular field. For my Milton paper I chose the topic as something I might like to read, but nothing that I was going be invested in for the larger picture of my research agenda. Why then, did the throw away (and a little bit of a nod to the teacher's interests) topic get a better grade than the far more original, interesting to me one? Why am I a better academic when I care less?
I find it rather disconcerting that I perform better when I care less about my subject.
Friday, May 04, 2007
I Think I See a Light and Why I Love Reading
"...he had an idea involving it, an idea that involved such a dreadful laceration of his own feelings that it is really hard to credit. And yet it was all born out of habits of mind produced by Christianity: that if you sacrificed yourself you would somehow attain the object of your desires. It was a knife of an idea, a cruel instrument of sacrifice, but also one of great beauty, silvery, curved, dancing with light. The odds were surely stacked against him, and had it been a horse rather than a woman's heart he would never have bet on it, not even for a place."
Those last two sentences make me want to weep; they are so beautiful.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
A List.
- All six Harry Potter books.
- Special Topics in Calamity Physics, Marisha Pessl
- Bibliophilia: A Novella and Stories, Michael Griffith
- Having finished Paradise Lost, it seems appropriate to read Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy.
- Summer at Tiffany, Marjorie Hart
- Masquerade, sequel to Blue Bloods, Melissa de la Cruz
- and while I might not read it cover to cover, I'll be perusing Bollywood: A Guidebook to Popular Hindi Cinema.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Xenophobic Bravo*?
*I don't really think Bravo's xenophobic; I'm mostly sad that I don't have the foreign accents to listen to--thank goodness for BBC America!
Monday, April 02, 2007
Commenting on Student Papers
I am returning this otherwise good typing paper to you because someone has printed gibberish all over it and put your name at the top.
- An English Professor
and this McSweeney's list.
And while I would sometimes like to write things along the lines of "You have managed to coldly and persistently rape the English language for 17 pages. Congratulations" more often than not I end up with more of the "You had some nice details" variety.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Not That I Ever Denied It...
But, perhaps there is something to it, as I sit here listening to "Brand New Lover" by Dead or Alive and I think it's hilarious that their album is titled Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know. Caroline Lamb anyone?
Friday, March 16, 2007
More Timberlake
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Truly a Pleasure.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
A Quote and A Question
“He that can apprehend and consider vice with all her baits and seeming pleasures, and yet abstain, and yet distinguish, and yet prefer that which is truly better, he is the true warfaring Christian. I cannot praise a fugitive and cloistered virtue, unexercised and unbreathed, that never sallies out and sees her adversary, but slinks out of the race where that immortal garland is to be run for, not without dust and heat.”
One of my students said she was talking about me with someone from the writing center where I used to work, they were able to discern that they were referring to the same person because they both described me as "jolly." Is that a complement because I'm normally upbeat or an oddly kind way of describing me as overweight?
Thursday, March 01, 2007
As I've been teaching our "Experience of Fiction" course (sometimes jokingly referred to as the "My Seven Favorite Novels" class), I've found myself spending a ridiculous amount of time researching for it. I've been drawn into the academic conversation around my texts and am seeing, for the first time in my academic life, the practicalities of how research supports teaching and how they are interdependent. Similar to the first time that I truly understood how theory functions (yes, it really is a lens that helps us understand a text), I feel as though my eyes have been opened, and I can clearly see a new level in the world of academia. And the view is spectacular, spectacular.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
...The Book!
Speaking of books, what have I been reading lately, you ask?
Well, while I've read the introduction to Jean Rhys 's (of Wide Sargasso Sea fame) first novel Quartet, I've not so much actually started the text, perhaps tonight, definitely by Thursday. I've been reading Milton (whose early life story feels eerily similar to my own), some of his Prolusions and the essay "Of Education." Mostly I've been doing a close reading Dracula for the class I'm teaching. What a great novel!
Today, my literary focus will include a few Renaissance essays on Friendship, but primarily will entail creating my own essay. Look for "Of Oscars" in the near future!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Anita and Me
"My mind drifted into practical overdrive, as it did with all my daydreams. It was never enough to have a vague picture, such as 'I save Donny Osmond from near death and win a medal'. I had to know what I was wearing, whether it was a fire in a top London hotel or a runaway horse in a summer meadow, what the weather was like, who was watching and how my hair looked at the moment of rescue.
It was an annoying trait, I admit, and often I got bored with the fantasy halfway through, bogged down by stylistic detail when I should really have been concentrating on the emotion and wish-fulfilment side of things." (202)
Sunday, February 04, 2007
It's very very cold. My mom's school is canceled but mine remains on. At least the class I teach isn't meeting in the morning per usual, but in the afternoon to watch The Innocents. And the students that can't come are sending me cranky emails, despite my repeated warnings that this film was hard to find, so they should borrow my copy. I refuse to let it be my fault, even though inside I feel like apologizing.
So, I give you a grumpy " 'airy co' " and the home of an extremely annoying French soldier.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
I've been reading a lot of and thinking about British literature. I'm starting to prep for studying for my field exams, which I'll take in a year. I've already started having panic dreams. But, I've been in the British mindset, so I'm including a shot from the top of the London Eye, where we had one of the two days of sunshine my entire trip, and Brighton pier (at night and in the day) where we spent a night, dreaming of the Regency Era.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Top Chef Finale and Belgian Waffles
And now, a foodie moment from Brussels.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Sunday Comics
Sunday is the best day for comics, well I don't get a paper anymore, but that's what I remember from being a kid. Brussels takes their comics seriously; they were continually refered to as the 'ninth art'. (I don't know what the first eight are, but I'm sure it's they are the more accepted classic ones.) Katie and I went to the Comic Strip Centre, which has history of comics, production of, etc. Most of the exhibits didn't have English explanations, and though we had a book from the desk that had the English translations, it was incomplete and difficult to follow at times. But, Belgium is the home to Tintin, the Smurfs, and the guy with a red mask (sadly, Katie has those pics, so you won't see him).