It's very very cold. My mom's school is canceled but mine remains on. At least the class I teach isn't meeting in the morning per usual, but in the afternoon to watch The Innocents. And the students that can't come are sending me cranky emails, despite my repeated warnings that this film was hard to find, so they should borrow my copy. I refuse to let it be my fault, even though inside I feel like apologizing.
So, I give you a grumpy " 'airy co' " and the home of an extremely annoying French soldier.
I was sad about the Bears loss, too, and I didn't even get to watch the game! It wasn't on until midnight here. : ( On the bright side, did you see the Harry Potter book is due to be released the 21st July? Looks like we have another party to attend this summer...
That animal reminds me of childhood field trips to Ag Days -- "Ag" standing for "Agriculture." They had those beasts, and you could touch them and feel how warm their horns were up by their heads and how cold they were by the time you reached the semi-sharp point.
Ah, Ag Days. I miss you.
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