Monday, January 10, 2005

Cyber Community

So I was spending time randomly looking at other blogs, and I ran across one for a guy who's a missionary in Australia. How hot is that? The idea of meeting someone online (in any capacity, not necessarily for a dating relationship) is rather frightening, but how else does one get to meet somebody fantastic like that? I certainly don't think I warrant a second glance; there has to be continual forced contact (not under duress type of contact, more like captive audience type). I wonder how dangerous the internet really is. I mean, am I paranoid, or just cautious? Information on the internet is created by people, so while I am connecting with information, that is representative of people, and since we have some interest in common (the shared information), how bad/scary/harmful could that person be? It's hard to think much about real topics while I'm watching Celebrity Fit Club. I probably don't deserve to meet interesting people like Australian missionaries because I watch trash like this.

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