Tuesday, January 04, 2005

A Derelict Friend

Sadly, I'm the derelict friend. I have wonderful people in my life that have tried to keep in touch with me, but the past few years I have not been very good about responding. What happened? When I was younger (read high school and the beginning of college...a long five years plus ago), I was incredible about sending notes, keeping in touch, but now...? It's not like I don't still care for these people. Maybe I'm just becoming more self-centered and I spend free time doing things like watching hours of TLC, Discovery Home, and Cartoon Network, or surfing the internet. Ultimately, these activities have nothing to show for the vast quantities of time they suck. Maybe there is a deeper psychological reason other than poor time management. Every time I do talk to people that I haven't been in contact with I find out they're either married, pregnant, or both. Do I not want to hear about how my friends are becoming real adults and productive members of society? Is it easier to justify living with my parents and pursuing graduate education when I don't compare myself to the majority of my contemporaries?

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