Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Kingdom of Heaven, Part Two

I was outside being quite productive, grading final portfolios, and realized that after a mere hour and a slathering of 45 spf sunblock, I was already burning. Grr. So back into the house, where, of course, I feel compelled to check (for the third time today) all my emails and blogs. A link from Dr. Dave sent me to Chick Tracts where I found the answer to all my concerns raised by Kingdom of Heaven. Well, the Jonathan Edwards "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" answer. It's rather hokey and blunt, nothing I would ever, actually show to a non-Christian and say "Here's why you should join the flock." Though I would never phrase myself like this video does, does believing in Christianity as the One way to God mean that I have to think that harshly about those who don't believe? I don't want to be that mean, or is it just honesty shown meanly? Do moral absolutes have to be so...absolute? I don't want to be as relativistic as society is. There has to be Truth not just truth, or else what is there? But, that doesn't mean that I don't think there's grey in addition to the black and white.

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