Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Lovely, Lovely

Ann Taylor called me this morning, and I got the job! I went in and did a computer training--for four hours. It was lengthy, but, hey, I got paid for it. Congrats to Katie, who also found gainful employment this week!

I've been watching lots of Buffy though I'm less satisfied with it. I'm not happy about the whole Willow thing, though I've grown to enjoy Anya. I have to admit that I'm a bit of a sucker (hee hee) for Spike and am rooting for Buffy and him to get together.

Hmm, its been a while, so media update. Movies I've seen: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (I enjoyed it more than the book, even though I'm glad I read the book first), Othello (set in modern times in the "New Scotland Yard"),...and...okay, so I haven't been watching too much of late, but that is shortly to change!

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