Friday, June 24, 2005

I Caught a Shoplifter

Well, "caught" being a relative term. I thought this one girl who was walking out of the store was acting a little funny with her gi-normous purse looking awfully full. And when I went to clean out her dressing room, I found a ripped out magnetic tag. Grr.

It just made the whole day feel icky. What was I doing wrong? Could I have stopped it? Why would somebody do that? Now, I'm suspicious of people walking around the store and I hate feeling that way.

That was Wednesday. On Thursday, when I wasn't supposed to work, I got a pathetic call from somebody needing a sub, so I went in, but I was in a cranky mood to begin with. Then cleaning the dressing rooms, I found another tag.

Why? What is it that you need so badly that you have to steal it? And these must be premeditated crimes because some sort of seam ripper or scissors is needed to get those things out. A friend from school said that its a rush for people, that they're addicted to the adrenaline. Whatever the reason, they're jerks who make me feel bad.

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