Saturday, June 04, 2005


I like to whistle. I've been laughed at because I'll whistle along with the music even when the words have stopped. Well, I found the perfect song. It's called "Whistler's Delight." Seven minutes of famous whistling (you know the opening to Robin Hood, etc.). Fun for all!

I've started reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I really just want to reread book five, but I figure since I'm teaching it, and for the full build-up effect, I should read 'em all. So I'm working on that. Pop culture will be Harry Potter-a-go-go for the next six months or so, and I want to be top of my game (i.e. uber knowledgable) for any conversations I might have about the sublties, what Rowling is doing, what might happen in book six/seven. (I don't think Harry makes it.)

I've also been watching movies: Ocean's Twelve, and Renegade (sigh, Vincent Cassel), The Phantom of the Opera (very pretty, I wish I saw it on the big screen), Bright Young Things (I really liked this British period piece (pre- and during WWII). Based on a novel by Evelyn Waugh, who did other similar works like Brideshead Revisited. Directed by Stephan Fry. I want to read the book because that British modernist period may be my second area of study, after film, for my PhD.), Zelary (Czech film also durning WWII). I've also been watching season two of Home Movies, which is a hilarious show on adultswim about a fourth grader who makes films.

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