Friday, August 19, 2005

The Last Weekend

I bought an adult uniform today, er, a suit that is. I feel as though I've spent an awful lot of money lately that I probably shouldn't, so I think this will be one of my last big ATL purchases. (I hope!) I did have an awesome time. We ate at this very delicious restaurant called Pompei where I had hand cut chicken ravioli. Way yum--to use a technical culinary term. Amazing focaccia bread at the table and fantastic 80s soundtrack.

The one weird-slash-amusing thing was the bathrooms. They had very exciting pounded, stainless steel sinks. In the stalls, however, lies another story. The only operational one with toilet paper was the handicapped/baby-changing one. The table was folded down, which showed to my great amusement:
  • 1. a latex glove dispenser. Do you know any mother that puts gloves on everytime she changes her child? That would seem to double the expense of having an infant that goes through a diaper every ninety seconds. There was one on top of the trash can that had been blown up like a balloon and tied at the wrist, which seem like the only logical use.
  • and 2. pictures illustrating how the table should be used. A child is shown falling off above the warning 'do not leave child unattended'. Okay, but above the captions 'lay down towel' and 'dispose of towel' there was the diapered child placing the changing towel down and then throwing it away. If the child was that capable would there really be a need for the changing table?! It was one of those times that I wished I had a camera phone (or at least a digital) because a picture would heighten the effectiveness of this post by at least 34%.

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