Tuesday, November 15, 2005

All Hail, Google!

Okay, I know they're sort of taking over the world, but with good reason. Google is awesome. For awhile I've been using their customizable search/home page, adding nifty things like my gmail, word of the day, local show times, weather, top entertainment news, fun quotes, etc. But just recently did I think to add blogs! Now I can save precious seconds from my neurotic (seriously bordering on OCD) checking routine that I go through every time I go on the internet. No more do I have to tediously click to all the sites, but at a single glance, my google homepage tells me who of you have been good posters (lots of people: Eden, Lij, Katie, Elaine, Lana, Jeff) and who has been bad (pretty much just Emily)!

So, I encourage all of you to do likewise and hop on the google train, there's plenty of room on board! Whoo-whoo!

(Incidentaly, if any of you needs a gmail invite, let me know!)

(Um, spell check doesn't recognize google. Blogger is owned by google. Will wonders never cease?)

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