Sunday, February 20, 2005

And The Lesson Is--Never Try

So, when I realized there was no way I was going to get my classes papers graded (really, what's new about that?), I decided that I would not grade anymore (the five I did almost killed me), but instead, I would actually do a little preparing for class. So, I set out making this killer list of annotated web-sites about pre-writing strategies on Webboard (my online class alternative to Blackboard) when Internet Explorer got zany and quit working--before I had posted (i.e. SAVED) my list. A lesson to me about opening too many browser windows and working with lots of unstable material, I guess. In my grief, I wrote an assignment asking my students to find and evaluate a website on pre-writing. They can just do it themselves. And that's what I get for trying to rise above the low mediocrity of a teacher that I've established myself as. I hope when comps are done (T minus 12 days for anyone counting) I can raise the bar a little.

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