Thursday, February 17, 2005

Last night after my class, I gave myself fifteen hours to do whatever I wanted without worrying about school work. Granted, most of that was spent sleeping, but that was a treat, too. I didn't sleep much the night before last and I didn't like the result. I was tense and stressed all day, and I felt like every time I open my mouth I complained and whined. I don't like being like that.

I think I'm going to spend some of my free time (I have another hour and a half) cleaning my room. Generally, it gets messier over the week and I straighten it during the weekend. Now, I'll be going into the weekend with a clean room. Won't that be nice?

Also exciting, I'm going to see Erasure in April, and I might see The Killers in May!

Hmm, I don't have too much to say that isn't frustrations/stress over school, comps, or my PhD application, and this is my free time to ignore all that so, I'll do a media check and be on my way.

Carnivale (of course), December Bride, book and movie (I really enjoyed these--I'd seen the film before and I liked even better after having read the book, I'm a fan of Ciaran Hinds), Persona, Blue Like Jazz (almost done), and after my free time ends I'll be reading Wordsworth's Prelude.

1 comment:

ec said...

Wordsworth's Prelude has a huge preface. Ahh memories of Prof. Mook's class.