Thursday, February 10, 2005

So I did

I went out and bought Hot Fuss and just for the heck of it (aka spending 10 bucks to save 4--I'm so conditioned) I also got Final Straw by Snow Patrol. I've heard one of their songs once. So, we'll see how that works out.

So I had coffee (well, steamed milk, the concept of "getting coffee" and the associated nuances is deserving of it's own post, but another time) with a boy. He's nice. We were supposed to meet at 2:15, but independently we both showed up around 1:00 to read (him) and grade papers (me). It was odd and as he said "we ruined each others schedules," but it was in a nice way. So from 2:30 to 3:15, we read and graded papers together. It was nice and companionable. Often when I'm with him I feel very high-strung, this was laid-back. We agreed that we should do this more often and ascertained that neither of us does anything on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Now I have a reason to get out of my pajamas and leave the house on those days. Plus, I've noticed I accomplish more at Barnes and Nobles than at home without the seductive lure of the Internet to tempt me away from the righteous path of productivity. If nothing else, I can go there and then call him and say, casually, "Hey, I'm here and you should be too." Even if he doesn't agree, then I'll be there and at work...

Did I mention that he's nice?

1 comment:

ec said...

Who is this guy?