Saturday, March 11, 2006

People on the Internet...

...make me laugh. For instance, an amazon "So You'd Like to..." list for "Spending a Fortune and Making the FBI Most Wanted List." To be honest, its rather genius. And such good hearted fun (there's plenty on the net that isn't).

Currently, I'm avoiding working on my book review for Middle English Literature, but I hope to finish it before I go to bed. Yesterday, I didn't finish all my grading (big surprise), but I also want to--at least--get the proposals done tonight.

I did read English as a Second Language (Crane, 2004), which was rather forgettable and silly--people in grad school in England can't drink that much (at least not and still pass their classes!). I read a few chapters in Levenger founder and CEO Steve Leveen's book The Little Guide to a Well-Read Life, which, based on his advice to give up on a book you aren't enjoying after the first 50 pages, I may or may not finish.

This morning I finally started Robin McKinley's Sunshine and am loving it! I'm sure there'll be more to report later. Right now, I can pontificate on the wonders of Neil Gaiman and his Sandman series. These are graphic novels that are Important. They are more truly capital "a" Art than many a novel I've read (see aforementioned chick lit disaster). Visually and narratively these books do some of what I love most--intertextuality that blends pop culture and erudite high art. There's a lot I don't know about this genre/medium, but from what I know, these books are significant for bringing more attention from both the mainstream and critics. So, read 'em.

Oh, and a word of warning. When buying the new Harry Potter, be sure to get the double disc, special edition. Two versions are out there, and I got the single disc. So, I've got to go back to the store to return and make the switch.

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