Thursday, March 30, 2006

Shout-out's and Frivolities.

I know I've plugged it before, but I don't think you're listening: Watch Veronica Mars...yes, you! It's just fantastic and looking like its going to be around for awhile longer. So, you'd save yourself the trouble of coming to it later when its wildly popular by getting in at the ground floor now. Last night's episode (an interesting return of Troy for those familiar) started two Arrested Development actors, one of whose character was from "Wheaton, Illinois." Huzzah! National recognition!!

The question of the morning (before I grade annotated bibliographies) is how to spend approximately $150 frivolously? I won a department award for a paper I wrote for my post-colonial/post-imperial class last semester, and they gave me money! I've decided to be decadent, but how will that best be optimalized? I welcome all suggestions. Right now some of my thoughts include Season 1 of VM plus a Best Buy spree, a digital camera (haven't decided which and I'd have to cough up my own money too to get anything worth having), some sort of day spa package, or there's a bracelet at Tiffany's that I quite like.

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